Welcome to Your Shubox Profile

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    Claim Your Profile

    Discover your business right here on Shubox or create your profile if you can't find it.

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    Meet Shuey, Your Assistant

    Shuey is our AI-powered co-pilot who will help you respond to customer reviews, apply for business loans, analyze and report back on how your business is doing.

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    Check Your Shubox Score

    We calculate your Shubox score using a combination of customer and alternative data to provide you with accurate insights into how your business is performing.

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    Complete Your Score

    Connect your business bank account safely and securely for a comprehensive overview of your business's performance. We never see or store your login information.

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    Capital when you need it

    Use your completed Shubox profile to apply for business loans. Whether you need it to cover expenses or expand your business, we'll connect you with our network of lenders and use your Shubox profile to help them understand your business better.

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